New Rivers of the Land CD nearing completion

I have a new CD project, Rivers of the Land, that is not quite ready for duplication, but I have put up a couple of track samples below, One-Eyed Riverboat Gambler and  River of the Ibis. This 8 month effort incorporates a mix of electronica and acoustic music for meditation, relaxation, and just plain enjoyment. Imagine yourself on a river cruise in the jungles of Central America, taking a ride on the Ibis steamer, while the sounds of the river life stream past. Its about imagination, feeling, taking a trip in your mind to other places and times. At least that is how I approach these tunes. I hope you will take the time to enjoy them.

The CD should be available for purchase on CD Baby after the first of the year, in 2019, in the meantime take a listen and look out for that bird cry near the end of Ibis. Its an actual field recording. More on that later.


  1. Hey Jim, you are just having too great a time there, aren’t you? love the two new tracks. I want an IBIS in my backyard! He sounds wonderful! very nice tracks. and I listened again to Night of the Dancing Vegetables. It brought back lots of fond memories. Perfect. More, more . . .

    • Glad you like it Kate, it’s a bit different from my earlier work. I have more work to do to get the CD finished, will be posting some more previews soon. Happy Holidays!

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